A Tale of Two Mommies

…because more seems excessive…


Helping others is a pivotal role in my self-fulfillment. The decisions I make expanding the contents of this blog are based in what has or would have meaning for me throughout my parenting journey. With any luck I get it right sometimes. But, one issue I know is overwhelming for parents is finding reliable resources for the various issues that one bumps against in the travels of a relatively typical journey…or maybe not so typical, but certainly not uncommon. My hope for this page…when I have a few minutes in the coming days…is to have a collection of organizations and information links in one handy place. Please, leave a comment if you find something you feel beneficial to someone else or need my help hunting for credible information/sources. Also, check-out my Stroller Derby Facebook Page or @MultipleMommies Twitter account where I post articles and stories that I find interesting or valuable.

Mo Willems has a daily program for kids

Pre K and K Scholastic activities

Fun Dr. Seuss read aloud

Kodable is an intro to coding site for kids

Raz-Kids is a whole language reading site our school district uses…I have mixed feelings about it, but Little Man enjoys the books/quizzes and it’s effective in getting him to read because he doesn’t have any deficits.

A site with various reading activities that was recommended, but I haven’t tried.